• If anyone wants to have a complete understanding of religions like Hinduism, Islam or Christianity, they can read Bhagwad Gita & Vedas, Quran or Bible. In the same way, we have not come across one single book through which Jainism can perfectly represent itself, its depth, historicity, wide and foresighted vision in every subject which is useful for the mankind to sustain the elements of nature and make the world better for the future generations. As the number of major professors or researchers around the world are able to read and understand only English it is important to make the literature of Jainism available in English. Therefore, this book, “Jainism (The Perfect Religion)” will be useful for understanding Jainism.
  • This Grantha will stop the propagation of unscriptural writings of various unauthorized writers. Due to which, till date, Jainism has been terribly misinterpreted by many universities and educational institutes at national & international level.

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